How To Fix Android smart tv stuck on logo boot loop
How to fix your Android Smart TV stuck in the boot logo Fix the Smart TV boot logo by updating the firmware using a USB drive
Tiger LED TV 43AT600S dump
CV358H-T42-1920x1080-TV43 Tiger led android tv Firmware
tiger 43at600s stuck at login and restart easy way to fix
This dump file also works for krohler smart android tv, laxas android tv , akai ctv43 cv358h-t42
How to update KROHLER android tv cv358H-T42 & Tiger 43at600s & Laxas LED and Revulution galaxy and all CV358H-T42 Resolution 1920/1080 TV main board
How to update your Android Smart TV
- Download and extract the file into your computer
- Copy the CtvUpgrade file to your USB drive
- Insert the USB into the TV
- Press the power button intermittentl
The TV will be updated. We are waiting for the TV to turn on and display factory reset
If it's a gamma (color) problem, you can solve it in the Service Mode menu
To enter the service menu code, press: menu + 1147
Watch the method in this video
Download CV358H-T42 1920 * 1080 for 43 inch TV
Free Download Cv358H-T42 Firmware for TV 43 Inch 1920 x 1080 Resolution
(File Size :(360 MB
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