leader le 32hds675 dump firmware update via usb to fix the logo leader on screen and reboot
تحديث تلفاز ليدر leader le32hds675 ريزوليشن 1366X768 _FHD 8G. عن طريق مفتاح يواس بي usb
بعد تحميل جميع الملفات نقوم بفك الضغط عنهم ونضع الملف المستخرج داخل مفتاح usb.
نفصل كابل الطاقة من التلفاز. ثم نربط مفتاح usb بالشاشة.
نظغط ضغطة مطولة على زر الباور في التلفاز( ليس من الريموت ) ثم نوصل التلفاز بكابل الطاقة.
لاننزع اصبعنا على زر الباور حتى نلاحظ بدأ عملية التحديث.
If your smart tv leader won't turn on and stok en logo leader just you need to update you tv firmware via usb by o correct firmware in below. You can download firmware for leader le 32hds675 for free
After downloading all the files, we decompress them and put the extracted file inside the usb key.
Disconnect the power cable from the TV. Then we connect the usb key to the monitor.
Press and hold the power button on the TV (not from the remote control) and then connect the TV to the power cable.
We do not remove our finger on the power button until we notice the start of the update process.
Chaisses : leader le 32hds675
Main Board 358M2C3 & 358M3C2
How to flach update your leader smart tv
Download all parts from the link below and extract
Copier the firmware into the usb stick
Unplug the power cable of the TV
Plug usb key into the tv leader le32hds675
Press continue the powet key in th main tv
Round key and blug powet cable (220v)
Keep it presed until the firmware is bigging update
Once the firmware is installed the tv chowing android recovery format and it reboot and start normally.
Download leader le32hds675 hd firmware
Part 1 resulution fhd 1366/768_8G leader le32hds675
Part 2 resulution fhd 1366/768_8G leader le32hds675
Part 3 resulution fhd1366/768_8G leader le32hds675
Part 4 resulution fhd 1366/768_8G leader le32hds675
Part 5 resulution fhd 1366/768_8G leader le32hds675
Part 6 resulution fhd 1366/768_8G leader le32hds675
Part 7 resulution fhd 1366/768_8G leader le32hds675
Part 8 resulution fhd 1366X768_8G leader le32hds675
Part 9 resulution fhd 1366X768_8G leader le32hds675
Part 10 resulution fhd 1366X768_8G leader le32hds675
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