Lightyear Two, the advanced solar car

 We'll give you an overview of the Lightyear Two car's price today. Lightyear Two will be available on international markets in 2024 and 2025.

Lightyear Two, the advanced solar car

The star of this story will follow her sister Lightyear One, which made an appearance in Goodwood 2019, and, God willing, production will begin next year. The price difference between the two vehicles will be significant, as the first vehicle will likely be sold for a high price that could begin at 150,000 euros, which is equivalent to 169,683 dollars. American

However, the second car, Lightyear Two, which we are discussing in this article, will be affordable for the majority of us with a starting price of 30 000 euros, which is comparable to 33 779 US dollars. As a result, there is a significant price gap between the first and second cars.

The second innovative solar energy vehicle will be unveiled by the Finnish business, priced competitively and within consumers' grasp. The Two's electric motors, which get their power from solar panels, are "based on the developed technology" offered by the previous vehicle.

Lightyear Two, the advanced solar car

Recall that the Lightyear One is a future electric vehicle with solar panels covering five square meters (53.8 square feet), allowing owners to "drive for months without charging" because the cutting-edge vehicle can go 12 km for every hour it is exposed to sunshine. the sun

The One also has electrically charged batteries, allowing it to run only on electricity and not rely on sunshine to cover a distance of 725 kilometers on a single charge, in accordance with WLTP requirements.

In line with expectations, during a special media briefing, the officials provided some further information on the second car. One of the primary reasons why the cheap automobile is so inexpensive is that it will have a smaller battery than the pricey initial car.

Even though the smaller battery also suggests a shorter driving distance, this won't be a major issue given the price difference and high mileage figures of the costlier first automobile.

We're also talking about a vehicle that uses solar energy or electrical batteries to power its engines, which will result in a five-fold reduction in the amount of electricity needed to charge it compared to a completely electric vehicle (EV).

Lightyear signed an arrangement with LeasePlan to reserve 5,000 units of the future solar car in addition to their commitment to the first model, the Lightyear One, and provided the first information on the two solar cars.

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